Religious fervour is akin to madness – that seems to be the message of this strange yet compelling independent film. Whenever I am invited to watch an indie horror I do so with trepidation as so many of them are flawed beyond the point of watchability. This one, in spite of the amount of screen time devoted to blurred ground shots, works. It works because of the actors and the plot, and it works because it is deliciously twisted.

Janessa Floyd is an outstanding actress. The direction and script support her portrayal of madness and confusion. If it wasn’t for the cinematography it would be hard to know this was a cheaply produced film. That is the power and attraction of the found footage genre. Camera shudder, wasted shots and blurred focus do not need to detract from the power of the narrative.

From the producers, comes this summary of the film - “A group of religious students drive into the remote wilderness to spend time with a religious sect and strengthen their bond with God. The three unsuspecting students film everything to document their experience, but soon find themselves in the dark underbelly of a twisted religious cult with questionable motives. This found footage film and horror movie will test even the most devout faith.” "The film was shot in about 4 days in Friendsville, Maryland. It was a very tight-knit cast and crew that had a history of working together and made the project flow easily. Although, scripted the actors' theater backgrounds and strength in ad-libbing helped to make the characters feel, well less like actors."