Discounts on paperbacks and merchandise. Plus ToC for Slice Girls.
Slice Girls is being published by Mocha Memoirs Press in February of 2021. To whet your appetite I’ll include the table of contents in this blog post. I am also offering readers of this blog post 25% off any of my signed paperbacks (shipping is added after the discount and will not be discounted). All orders will also receive free merchandise in their parcel, 2 postcard sized images and 1 bookmark. Use the code OctFrights20 in the special instructions box on the second page of the form or when you email your order. You can find the list of books here -

Slice Girls table of contents
Lily of the Fields by Mei Kerr
Jenny by Dan Allen
Jagged Jaws by Carmilla Voiez
Click Bait by Jef Rouner
Liberation by Kevin David Anderson
Delicacy by Nickie Jamison
Monkey See, Monkey Do by Alicia Hilton
Hold Me by Jason Dyer
Ax to Grind by Shannon Grant
Would You Like Blood with Your Coffee? by Elisabeth Popolow
Unheard Voices by Sandra Wiltje
Monsters and Ice Cream by Astrid Addams
If I Ever Lay my Lingering Blue Eyes on You by Sergio “ente per ente” Palumba
Dark Tunnel of Love by N.M. Brown
Words by Amdi Silvestri
Temptress of the Night by Samie Sands
Two-Part Harmony by
Emily C Skaftun
Drug Count by Joe DiCicco
June 2013 by Tanja Cilia
Appreciating Beauty by Kelley Frank
#FF0800 by Gina Ranalli
The Gentle Art of Nominication by Kenzie Jennings

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