This is a well-rounded collection of five poems, ten short stories and six autobiographical essays celebrating male genitalia. It deals with old age, youth and gender. Often funny, occasionally disturbing, and frequently sweet, I am sure everyone will find something to admire if only its frank honesty. Wild Ideas, Too Much Tea, Garden of Vaginas and Field were my favourites. He, Scratching the Surface and We’re So Sorry were more difficult reads but added much to the collection.
Wild Ideas was a story about two young people courting, both innocents in their own way. A strange letter and a suggested journey conspire to separate them, which ends happily ever after in this gentle, and subtly sexy tale.
Too Much Tea was a breathtakingly well-written autobiographical story about how easily we can forget that old people have romantic and sexual longings as well.
Garden of Vaginas was about a bisexual encounter at the wedding of a once desired cousin.
And a severed penis recalls how it came to be that way as it bleeds out in a Field.
Too Many To Count was a poem that read more like prose, but ended on a great line - "a sad army of unwanted soldiers limping home".
I was gifted a copy of this collection by one of the contributors but this doesn't affect the honesty of my review.
