What was it that attracted you to the Slice Girls anthology?
The desire to be involved with Carmilla's work. She’s one of the reasons why I decided to pursue publishing.
How did you feel writing a story about a violent woman?
Love it. In fact, most any story I have ever written involves a strong female Pro/Antagonist.
Please give the readers a brief summary of the story you wrote for the collection?
“Hold Me" is one of my all time favorite tales, think “I Spit On Your Grave” meets Stephen King's “Sometimes They Come Back"
How do you feel about the way women are usually portrayed in horror?
Let’s just say I enjoy the fact that female leads are way more confident, powerful and mature than they have ever been portrayed in the past.
Have any of your other stories been published? If so tell us about them and where readers can find them.
I have 2 other stories published in the Freakend Madness anthology by Villanous Press.
What are you writing at the moment?
I have two projects I’m tinkering with at the moment. One is a thriller featuring a female detective in pursuit of a killer who literally begs to be caught in his spree. The other, which has more of my focus in the meantime, is a vampiric society where they feed on each other more than humans.
Do you prefer short stories or novels? Which form is more challenging to write?
Short tales are my main vice, but I still hope to achieve a full length page-turner one day.
What is your favourite short story by another author?
Probably “The Mist" by Stephen King.