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Darker Side of Fiction, Featuring Lavinia Urban

Next month authors and readers will come together in Peterborough (UK) to celebrate the Darker Side of Fiction. This week I’ll be posting about a few of the authors who will be joining me at the event, signing and selling books and meeting readers.

If you want to join us on October 7th check out the Darker Side of Fiction website.

Lavinia Urban grew up in Cheshire, but lives in a small village just outside of Edinburgh with her husband and two daughters. Writing has always been something she loved, but it wasn't until 2010 when the idea came to her to write Erin the Fire Goddess. Lavinia chose to name the main character and her sister after her two daughters who inspire Lavinia to write every day.

I recently interviewed Lavinia Urban about her books and the upcoming signing.

Carmilla Voiez (CV): Tell me about the genre(s) and subjects of the books you write and will be showcasing at the Darker event next month.

Lavinia Urban (LU): I write a variety of genres but tend to lean toward YA/NA Paranomal/Fantasy. To this particular event I will be bringing three series: Erin the Fire Goddess; Alimanti; Mystic Valley

CV: What got you into writing darker fiction?

LU: I have always loved Paranormal. To me it is an amazing way to experience a world that I would normally. A way to break the norm and sometimes mundane life.

CV: What is your absolute favourite quote from one of your books?

LU: 'Believe in the fire within,' and 'Holy Mother Flip Whistle.'

CV: Do your characters talk to you? If so what do they say?

LU: They talk to me every day. They repeat the next scenes over and over and over again until I write it down. It can sometimes be annoying - like a stuck record - but once I have wrote it down I can move on and they can tell me another scene.

CV: Have you attended author events before? If so which ones?

LU: Leeds, Manchester & Chester as a big event. I tend to do single signing events, locally to me.

CV: How many years have you been writing?

LU: 27 years. Sounds crazy when you think that I am only 39. But I started writing full length novels at the age of 12, as well as poems - a couple of which have been published. It wasn't until 8 years ago when I started to focus more on my writing, mainly for my children. From there it grew. in 2012 I decided to become a full time Indie author, wanting to have control of my writing career.

CV: Have you appeared in any magazines or anthologies?

LU: I have appeared in one anthology called Wicked Winter. The prequel of my Mystic Valley series appeared in that. Over the years, I have appeared in several newspapers and magazines.

CV: Heroes or villains?

LU: Heroes all the way for me.

CV: If you had to choose one favourite book from all the books you have read, which would it be and why?

LU: The entire Harry Potter series. I am obsessed. I think everyone knows that, lol.

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